Wood Wizards

Caloundra Timber Flooring

Choosing a floor in your home is an important decision to make as some floors require a great deal of maintenance to look as good as they do from the outset. Carpets require repetitive cleaning, whereas wooden flooring requires very little in the way of maintenance. A wood floor can be swept or wiped clean with little fuss. If you are thinking of a wooden floor, call the team at Caloundra Timber Flooring today. Caloundra Timber Flooring will be happy to give you a quote for your new wooden flooring.

Choosing wooden flooring – Why Caloundra Timber Flooring is the best

Caloundra Timber Flooring have a fantastic local reputation and years of experience in manufacturing and supplying quality timber slats. If you would like to hear more about our range, why not get in touch with us today.

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Our Credentials

Wood Wizards are qualified, certified (QBCC Licence Number: 1173891) and registered with the The Australian Industry Flooring Association. We comprise a professional team of experienced tradesman.