Repairs and Restoration
Whether its just a loose board or a total take up and refit we have the knowledge and expertise to make your floor look beautiful again. You may think that your floor needs to be replaced but chances are we will tell you it can be restored to its natural beauty. First we would carry out necessary repairs on your timber floor using matching timber. The wooden floor is then sanded to a fine finish to remove any scratches. Any cracks, gaps or holes are filled before the final sand off. Being a specialist company we only use the latest floor sanding machines, with a bigger motor they achieve a far better result than any hired machine. After sanding we apply 3 coats of a wooden floor sealer to protect the floor.
When sanding the floors our machines collect around 95% of all dust so there is minimal impact on the rest of your home whilst your floor is being refurbished. Floor finishes once damaged or scratched cannot be patched. The entire floor area needs to be sanded to remove any scratches and resealed . Damaged boards can be removed and replaced with new boards but it is impossible to guarantee matching timber boards due to colour variations.
Sometimes a single room can be resanded and sealed but you will always see differences in the polish colour and a visible line where new polish meets the old. If you are extending a room we are able to stagger new boards into the existing floor in an effort alleviate that added on look. Closely matching the timber species and size is made more difficult over time or in other words the older your timber floor, the more difficult it will be to match. Dents can only fully be removed with a full resanding and resealing with 3 new coats. Small dents in softer timber floors can sometimes be removed successfully without sanding. Scratches can be dulled with timber floor oils but can only be fully removed with the sanding and resealing method. Holes including nail holes and large gaps can be filled with timber plugs or timber putty prior to sealing the floor.
Why Choose Us
Contact Us Today!
- Region: Sunshine Coast & North Brisbane
- Phone: 0419 679 755
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- Contact: Michael Toomey
Our Credentials
Wood Wizards are qualified, certified (QBCC Licence Number: 1173891) and registered with the The Australian Industry Flooring Association. We comprise a professional team of experienced tradesman.